April 24, 2009
hey reasd this it should help your stress level go down. im not sick or my comp im going to write tonight. prez told us to. love ya
elder skaggs
Because of the announcement yesterday that Mexico and the world are facing an outbreak of a new strain of influenza, many people have become worried about the risks and are not sure what to do to prevent illness. The memorandum below has the purpose of informing you and establishing the precautions for you to take in the Mexico City South Mission. Please send this email to your families so that they will know what is going on. This sort of challenge has happened before. This will not stop the Lord’s work. We are not minimizing the risk, but we ask you to go forward with faith. TAKE THE PRECAUTIONS RECOMMENDED, BUT DO NOT FEAR. The Lord will bless you. We love and pray for you always.
President Doxey
Las autoridades están preocupadas porque más o menos mil personas en el último mes se han contagiado de un nuevo tipo de influenza. Se ha confirmado que la muerte de unas 20 personas se debe a esta influenza, y se supone que otras 48 personas murieron por causa de esta influenza. Esta nueva influenza es un tipo de influenza porcina, es decir, una influenza que normalmente afecta a los cerdos. En este caso, parece tener la habilidad de contagiarse directamente de humano a humano. Cada año, hay nuevos tipos de influenza, y muchos centenares o miles mueren. La mayoría de los que mueren de los tipos usuales de influenza suelen ser personas que ya están débiles, incluso los muy ancianos y los muy jóvenes. Esta nueva variedad de la influenza porcina presenta una preocupación más importante, porque la mayoría de los que han muerto eran jóvenes y estaban gozando de buena salud antes de contraer la influenza.
Officials are concerned because about 1,000 people in the last month have had a new type of flu. Some 20 confirmed deaths are due to this flu, and an additional 48 deaths are attributed to this flu. This new flu is a type of swine flu, that is, a flu that usually affects pigs. In this case, it appears to be able to spread directly from human to human. Every year, there are new types of flu, and many hundreds or thousands die. Most of those who die of the usual types of flu are people who are already sickly, including the very old and the very young. This new strain of swine flu is a greater concern, because most of those have died were young and healthy before getting the flu.
El tipo de influenza porcina que es peligroso causa que los pulmones se llenen de líquido, como ocurre con neumonía. Esta influenza es muy agresiva y da fuerte a los pulmones dentro de 24 horas. Así que si usted ha estado enfermo por más de un día sin tener síntomas semejantes a los de la neumonía, es casi imposible que tenga la influenza porcina. Si su respiración se hace difícil, y hay dolor o sentimiento de peso a nivel de los pulmones (lo cual es muy diferente a una nariz tapada o dolor de garganta con tos), llame inmediatamente al Dr. Brunt al 044 55 5217-1664.
The type of swine flu that is dangerous causes the lungs to fill with liquid, as happens with pneumonia. This flu is very aggressive and strikes the lungs hard within 24 hours. So if you have been sick for more than a day without getting pneumonia-like symptoms, it is very unlikely that you have swine flu. If your breathing becomes difficult, and there is pain or heaviness at the level of your lungs (which is very different from a stuffy nose or a sore throat and a cough), call Dr. Brunt right away at 044 55 5217-1664.