hey fools,
so this week was pretty normal for here in Zentlalpan. not much work and not any success. im starting to get usesd to it but we are trying hard to find some glimps of hope.
So this week we had divisions with the zone leaders and the zone leader that whent with my comp said that he will never go back again. it was funny my comp and him got sick from the food and i had fun hangin out with bamgartner(my generation).
today we hung out as the zone and had carne asada. it was good we played b-ball and soccer. it was fun there are 5 people from our gen in the zone. and today we completed 17 months in the mish. thats crazy i cant belive how fast it has gone by.
so some news about the area and the mission in general. the assistants called the zls when we were at there house last night and they said that they might give us some more towns so that we can have some sort of work to do. so they might not close the area. also the prez told the zls that the normal time that a missionary will be in a area is 8-9 months so its possible that is might finish that mission in this area.
hope you are all dooing good. thatnks for writing those of ou who did so. love ya guys keep on keepen on.
elder skaggs
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