so tomarrow we have changes.
good nnews and some bad too. my comp is leaving and im getting a comp who is pretty dead. he is pretty weird too. so i might have some problamitas with him. it might be pretty hard keeping him from diing pretty bad here cuz the members really love the missionaries and want to hang with us often.
good news is that they are going to give me some more pueblos. so we will have some more work to do and i hope to keep us busy enough to revive this dead fool taht is coming here.
this week was a bit of a bummer. we ran out of activities to do to get lessons done so we barely taught at all. but this next week weshould have lots of work to do and im pretty excited to get started.
hope you are all doing good. love ya lots. pray for me and my comp. the church is true. jesus is the christ. lifes a garden dig it.
amor y dedos ,
elder skaggs
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