February 2, 2009
hey evryone.
hey evryone.
how are thisngs going? good? i hope so. evrything is cool here in mexico. this week some weird stuff went on and we made two big mistakes. well not really big but stupid.
first mistake we made was we decided to cut eachothers hair. without having any experiance at all. but we thought wioth the machinie we could cut it easy. well the macine actually didnt work so we decided to cut our hair with only the scizers. wow big mistake. i actually did better than i thought i would. but my comp thats another story. he was pretty confidant going into it but i ended up with a big chunk of my hair gone. but now it doesnt look too bad. i think we wont try that ever again.
the other mistake that we made this week. we decided to move rooms to the second level cuz it has a bathroom inside and whjere we were its outside. so we moved all our stuff up to the second level of the house we get setttled in and go to sleep. when we wake up in the morning we found yellow infested water seeping out of the wall of the bathroom. oooops. it smelled like a dead person had been living in our wall for 3 months. so we decided to move back down to where we were. you know for healths sake. lets just say i got my fare share of excercize those two days.
so this week was good. we had 4 new people come to church. but the lame thing is that the other people that we have been working with and have come to church once didnt come. that was a bummer. but we will see haw this week goes.
so this week president doxey really scared me. so we had confrence and interviews. the interview went good but a little too good. Prez Doxey told me that he has alot of confidence in me and that im one of the kind of missionarys that he wants here in the mission. with transfers in a weeek that has made me think allot and im kind of scared that he will make me a leader. thats fine if the Lord wants it he knows i can do it. but i would love to stay with my kid and do work here in Iztapalapa.
today we played soccer in a local indoor feild. today is a holiday or something and no one had to go to work. so there was alot of people plying. we played retas or whoever wins stays on the feild. and there was some amazing players. i played goallie. i have gotten alot better at goaliie. i dont have the ball handling skills to play in the feild so i play goalie or defence. its way fun and im pretty good at defence.
i hope you are all doing good and that you have a good week. keep in touch. i cant write individually so ill try to answer your questions in my big email. love ya
elder skaggs
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