Feb 16th, 2009
sup fools.
so this week i got to my new area. im in Culhuacan. its really close to my last area they almost touch. weird huh. but the thing is that i wont see anyone from there cuz we go to diffrent church buildings and its in a a diffrent steak. so i got here to my new area and we had absolutly nothing as far as investigatrors. so we basically had to start from scratch. lame. we could have done better but we will get the hang of it.
so my comp is another newbie. he olnly has 3 months in the mission. its kind of lame i have to break all of the bad habbits that his first comp got him into.. like not contacting. and hanging with members. but thats fine. someones got to do it. but overall he is a pretty cool kid. like all mexicans he is short. but he has an amazingly low voice. he is from TJ. yup like 30 mins from my house. so if all goes well with him and we become friends we can hang after the mish.
so here in mexi town you can see some pretty weird things on the metro (trolley) but this week i think i can top all of the weird things that i have seen. so we are on the metro and some reaslly skinny druggy guys get on with a sweatshirt in a ball. so one of them dropps the swaetshirt on the floor in the middle and opens it up. inside the sweatshirt is a bunch of broken bottles. so i thought that they were going to walk on it. but no. mexis take it to the next level for some money. so one of the two buddies starts saying that they live on the street and dont have money so they have come on the metro to beat up their boddies for money. while his buddie is giving the speach the other guy starts to slam his back on the glass peices. and its real blood on his back and evrything. he slams his back and the back of his shoulder on the glass untill his buddie finishes the speech. then they switch. the back slammer starts to ask for money while his buddie starts to slam his forhead in the glass. yup. his forehead. it was crazy. some lady couldent even watch. i wanted to give them money but i only had a 10 peso coin which is like a dollar. and i cant afford to give that away. i havce seen that twice in the last week. with diffrent people. crazy huh?
- gabe, dad, Aunt Merris thanks for the packages.
well i hope you havea good week. i sure will. love ya lots. bye
amor y dedos,
elder skaggs
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