Feb. 23, 2009
hey fools? news flash. PLEASE send your emails to elderskaggs@myldsmail.net i can only use that from march on. THANKS
well this week went by better. we had one person come to church which is better than none. she is this sweet lady who will get baptized in march. she is way cool but fights with her son who has some mental problems. but she is really ready and really willing. she has alot of friends in the ward so that helps out alot.
so this week i completed a year in the mission. what the? that is crazy. the time has gone by sooooo fast. the mission is awesome. you have alot of up times and alot of down times. but the up times are much more up than the down times are down. i have no clue if i just made sense. its hard to think in englich and make things make sense.
so this week we helped 2 diffrent people move. yup. and today we are going back to help one ofthe families again. i am soo exausted. but they are cool and are willing to listen to us. we will se if they progress. i hope so. but the bad thing about mexico is that they dont use moving trucks if it is realitivly close. so we have moved a whole house full of stuff like a block and a half carrying all of it. and its hot!!!!!! but they ahve a icecream shop and they give us free stuff. so its worth it. me and my comp think that we should be professional movers. and charge people. hehehe jk.
well this week it rained. weird, the rainy season isnt suposed to come for another month. but we got wet. but thats fine.
so today we played futbol again. it was fun. i scored a coupple times. not alot but i had some good goals. its fun plying indoor. smeadly was there he is in my district.
dad, alli, and uncle bruce - HAPPY B-DAY!!!! love ya guys. hope all goes well in your big day
thanks for the emails love ya lots. EMAIL ME AT MYLDSMAIL NEXT TIME
elder skaggs
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