June 8, 2009
Ehy peeps,
So this week was good. We had some good and really cool stuff happen. Its cool to see when the work really pays off. Seeing miricles is really awesome eventhough it happens quite often on the mish.
So Lucia had her interview and she got animated to recive her baptism this Sat. So that will be cool. And the girl who was going to get baptized this week left out of town but they said that this weekend she will get baptized. I think on Friday.
So some funny stuff happend this week.
Fist of all we were riding in the bus and this little kid gets on and wispers something in the conducters ear then he tells us that he is going to put on a disc for us. So i thought that he was going to sing or something normal. But no. He startred dancing in a really weird gay way. He had absolutly no dancing skills at all. I had a hard time not laughing. Then he did a backflip thing and almost smaked my comp in the head.
Then we were riding on another bus that was so full that my comp barely had anywhere to hold on to. So the driver was pretty crazy and he took this turn way too fast and my comp started to slide backwards and he let go of the bar. It wouldnt have been too bad of a situation but there was a really old guy right behind him and my comp smaked right into him. It was so funny. The face the old man made was classic. A mix of “what is happening” and “someone help me!” it was classic.
So i had some more stuff to write about but i forgot my agenda in the house and im too lazy to walk next door to get it.
So miricle of the week:
on Friday we found this lady named Fabiola. On Friday we tought her baptism and she accepted a baptismal date. That usually dosnt happen so easy or fast. Then on sat we tought her about the resteration and she accepted evrything. We asked her if she would come to church with us and she said yes. Sunday we passed for her and went to church. It was fast and testimony meating and at the end of the testimonies she got up. And bore her testimoy that she feels really good in the churhc and that she is glad that we brought her there and that she will be there constantly to help other people out. WOW. That really surprized me. A person who has been to church once in her life felt the spirit so strong that she got up to give thanks to God and commit to everyone that she will stay stong in the church. Its amazing how God really prepares his children to recive His gospel. And its amazing to be a witness of these kind of miricles.
Love ya lots. God lives and Jesus is his son and our Redeemer.
Elder Skaggs
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