April 25, 2009
Hey family and friends,
So lots of stuff to talk about this week. Lots of cool stuff and lots of really sad discouraging stuff. Ill start with the good.
So one day we met some friends in the street. Two dogs one black and one blonde. And they followed us for about half an hour about a mile. It was funny cuzthey were justlike us one whitty and a dark one.
This week we had interviews with the president. It was awesome. He reallyhelped me out and made me have lots of desires to keep on keepen on. He talked about how are trials are more precios tan gold (1 peter 1:6-7). It was really great to talk to him and he reallyhelped me out anmd i have seen how this week the Lord has blessed me and my comp.
we have had lots of success this week and have progressed lots in finding. my faitha and trust in the Lord has grown alot in these last two weeks.
So this timeof year is when i start to get meore headaches be cause the weatrher charncges so fast every day. In the morning it is cool then it gets really hotat 11 and then it rains in the afternoon and then gets hot agian right beforethe night. Weird huh?
So today wazlking back from the food. We see a dominos guy laying on the top of a car. With blood coming out of his mouth. So i guess like 1 muinet before the car hit the dominoes guy on his motercycle and he was either uncouncious or dead. Im not quite sure. Kind of freaked me out.
Story of the day. So i guess there is a crazy super flu that evryone is freaking out about. Our steak president cancled church for tomarrow so all of our baptismal datestthat we set this week will get pushed back another week. Lame. But we are going to keep working (with precautios of course). Me and my comp havnt gotten sick. So thats good cuz wecantleave our investigators alone this week cuz we have alot of great prospects for baptism.
Hope your doing good. Love ya lots talk to ya next week.
Elder skaggs
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