April 20, 2009
So this week went good. We had lots of work and I finally am finding out how to really work by faith. It makes all the difference. The Lord has blessed us a lot this week. And we need to keep working hard to make sure everything pans out well.
In two weeks we have changes and its most likely that my comp will leave cuz he has almost 6 months here. So I need to work hard these next two weeks so that I will have lots of work and prospects for baptism when I get my new comp.
So today I completed 14 months in the mission and it has gone by so fast. I can’t believe that I only have 10 months left. I can remember just getting to the MTC and meeting my first comp elder Glenn. Now I’m here in mexitown speaking Spanish like nothing. Kind of sucks that I only have 10 months left to serve the Lord with all that I have. These 14 months have been some of the most challenging but funnest months of my life.
So yesterday (Sunday) Marisol made Tamales and invited lots of peeps from the ward. Marisol is the lady that just got baptized and she is really excited and pumped to be in the church and is making lots of friends. So last night we ate tamales with her and about ten members from the ward. It was cool.
This morning we went to her house to get our hair cut. She is a hair stylist and does a real good job. When we were walking back we came out of her colony (which is pretty dangerous in the night and is well known for drug trafficking) and these Polies came up to us and started asking us who we are and what are we doing here and why am I so white and all that stuff. Well when it all comes down to it they searched us for drugs and then let us go. It was pretty exciting and im sure it didn’t look to good from the street but what are you gonna do? It is what it is.
This week was good I hope it was good for you too. Love ya. Keep on keepen on.
Tu misionero,
Elder Skaggs
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