April 6, 2009
Hola family and friends,
So this week was good and bad at the same time. Ill start with the good.
So I really liked conference. It was pretty direct and that’s what we really need here in Mexico cuz the people just don’t seem to get it. Hopefully they were paying attention. Probably not. I really liked how the speakers really focused on the Atonement and Faith. That’s what we have been focusing on in the zone meatings. Its cool to see that President Doxey really knows whats up and recives revelation for us missionaries.
We had zone conference on Friday morning. It was cool. I saw E. Glenn , E. BAmgartner, E. Smeadly ,and E. Loser. Elder loser and bam are zone leaders. It was cool to see them and hang out for a bit. President Doxey talked about working with faith and if we don’t work with faith then we wont recive all of the blessings that the Lord has prepared for us or our investigators.
So Marisol came to conference on Saturday and really liked it. She has a baptismal date for this Sunday. Keep her and us in your prayers. I think that she is pretty ready and feels the need to recive a baptism. We are going to help her move her haircutting stuff today so she can start cutting hair in her house.
So this week was pretty hard as far as the work goes. We had lots of activities that took up allot of time but the time that we had we worked hard and contacted lots of people. But no one wanted anything. We didn’t find any new people. It is pretty frustrating but I know that the Lord will really help us out this week if we keep on keepen on.
My health is good. Im getting along better with my comp and we are working hard. I love you guys and hope that everything is going well. The church is true. God is our loving Heavenly Father and He wants us all to return to Him with our Families. ONLY through the true gospel of Jesus Christ (faith, repentance, baptism by immersion, and the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and ENDURING TO THE END) can we reach this goal and return to live with our loving Heavenly Father.
Los amo mucho. Amor y dedos.
Elder skaggs
Mom and g-ma/pa: thanks for the packages. Im set for a while. Don’t send me packages until Christmas cuz they are expensive and it would be better if I could use the money to buy you guys gifts and suveniers. Ok? Love ya
GO PADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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