March 9, 2009
so this week was up and down. so the first part of the week was really good. we found some feally good people. especially this lady with her 3 kids. she is really humble and lives in a house built out of meatal peices. we put the lesson for thursday and we went and tought about the gospel(faith, repentance, baptism, y holy ghost) and then i challenged her to be baptized along with her 3 kids. and she said yes. wow that was easy. we put the next lesson for sat and went BUT she wasnt there the gate was chained shut. we left a note and passed 2 times more that day and again on sunday but they wernt home. who knows what happend but i hope we can find them again this week.
on thursday we had zone confrence. it was cool. presidente doxey came and his wife. they are awesome. sister doxey has the spirit always and speaks with real power even if her spanish is bad. the confrence was good and i learned alot.
so friday night we ate fish with the members that gave us food. so that was not good. both me and my comp got sick and sat. we had absolutly no energy but we still left to go to our lessons and all of the lessons fell through. that was a tough day.
sunday we went to church and none of our investigators came. that was a bummer cuz one had his baptismal date for the 15th and now he wont get baptized until the 22nd. but what are you going to do. i think that this last week was a pretty good challenge for us and i hope that this week we will recive the blessings for enduring it well.
im doing well apart from the diahreah. love ya lots keep in touch and share the good word. Jesus told Peter that once he was converted that he had to share his knowledge with evryone. Luke 22:32. we have that knowledge and nothing should hold us back from sharing it with others (friends, family, neihbors or people on the street). love ya all. the church is true and true happyness comes from serving others and helping them make decisions that will change their lives and trhe lives of many more.
amor y dedos
elder skaggs
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