this week was alright. my comp and me worked like little japeneese kids work in the sweat shops. ooppps i hope i didnt just affend some of you who are going to jap-town on the mission. but seriously we worked really hard this week. my comp and i both did our 70 contacts in the week. which is verry rare that missionaries actually do what the president asks. we set up a bum load of lessons and almost all of them fell through or the people who actually listened to us dont want to change or come to church.
well this past week on the 6th was "day of the 3 wisemen". so here in mexico they have christmas and then on the 6th they celebrate when the wisemen gave Jesus gifts. all of the little kids buy special reyes magos baloons and tie their note with all the gifts they want and let it go. the balloon goes up into the sky and the wisemen somehow get it and bring the kids all the gifts they want. its kind of like writing to santa clause.
o another wierd twisted thing here in mexico. the tooth fairy dosnt exist. instead they have a little rat that brings the kids money when their teeth fall out. yup thats right a rat. i really dont undestand where they think theese things up. maybee part of the government spends a bit of money to pay people to think of ways to ruin and destroy holidays and traditions. who knows,?
well my kid is doing pretty good. he works and does his contacts. he is a bit weird. i guess its cuz he is from such a small town. he dosnt know how to use internet. today i was tring to help him but he was impaciant and shut it off. his first p day. we played soccer at the church and he had to go to the bathroom. he couldnt wait 5 mins and did his thing on a tree in the parking lot right next to the feild we were playing on. that was funny.
well i hope you are having a good time and having success in all that you do. love ya lots and keep in touch.
amor y dedos
elder skaggs
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