so this week was kind of diffrent. so on tuesday one of the assistants to the president of the mission came to our district meating. and gave us a big pep talk on how we can have allot of success if we are willing to pay the price. he is a really good example. so he made us make goals for how many baptisms we want to have on the 12th of october(in 3 weeks) we put our goal at 12. pretty high. so we needed to bring allot of people to church to be able to make our goal. but the work was extra hard this week. allot of rejection and allot of lessons fell through. we only had 1 new person at church but she is cool. and we have 3 other people set up for the 12th. well se how it goes.
on a liughter note. armando got baptized on saturday. he was sooooo excited and he will be an awesome member and leader in the church. he got confirmed on sunday and is really excited to keep progressing in the church. on sunday night we had a sweet family home evening at his house with some members. it was really fun and he was so excited to have the members come over. he showed all of the kids his "zoo" that he has in his backyard. he has a bunch of chickens and 2 dogs and 2 bunnys and a iguana. he is an awesome convert and person.
another random note from mexico city. bike pegs. evryone has them. it doesnt matter what kind of bike it is mountian, cruiser, or little pink girly bike with streeemers and a horn. evryone has them. not to grind a reail or anything but for transportation. people dont really have cars here so is you can fit another 2 or 4 people on your bike thats really helpfull. so all the time is see people riding their bikes down the streeet with their friend(s) on the back.
thanks for your love and support
elder skaggs

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