what up
this week was way chill. so all of mexico has been gearing up for their independance day(today). it has been a little crazy lately. A drunk guy (borracho) tried to steal my gaffet (plaque) and told me that i didnt belive in God because i wouldnt give it to him. he also said that all americans think that they are better that evryone else. that one really pissed me off. but it was alright. so there has been an extreamly large amount of borrachos lately and ive seen 3 people peeing in the street in the last 2 days. i guess thats how mexicans do when they have a holiday.
so this area is pretty diffrent than contreras. it is way hotter here. this week has been sooooo hot. i got burnt on my nose on friday. it sucks cuz we have been workiung reallly hard and are in the street all day. so ive been sweating like no other. but even with all the sweating im still starting to gain weight again. i think its because im not climbing 1000 stairs a day anymore. but at least im getting a nice farmers tan!
so this week we knocked the door of this viajita (old lady). she was absolutly crazy. she was talking to us and saying puros chismes (nothing but rumors and talikng bad a bout people). she had no teeth and a lazy blue eye o and a mustash. it was quite the conversation with this lady. we wasted like half an hour for nothing. triste viajita
so the end of the week was much better. on wed we had a weading. we married a member guy to our investigator. they are so cool. then sat the investigator (Yuri) got baptized. it was a really cool baptismal service. then on sunday i got the opportunity to confirm her a member of the church. it was way cool. also we had another investigfator at church. his name is Armando. he is like 45 years old and is way excited and ready for baptism. he is so escogido (chosen). he reads evry tarea (homework) that we give him. and he started to read the Book of Mormon all on his own. he has a really strong desire to help his family accept the gospel too. he says that he needs to be a really good example so that they can join the church too. he is awesome.
so tonight we are going to go to the noche mexicana at the church. the whole steak will be there. it is supposed to be way cool. there is going to be soo much good food there. im so excited. also ill get to chill with elder loser. he was in my district in the MTC and is in our zone so he will be there.
thats about it for this week ill make sure to take lots of pics at the party and send them home next week. love ya lots
amor y dedos
elder skaggs
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