this week was good. we are still working really hard but not seeeing the results. 2 of our three baptismal dates fell to october so we will only finish this month with two which is absolutly nothing here in iztapalapa. our zone leader said that it is one of the most escojido (chosen) places in the world for missionary work. i dont know what we are doing wrong but we are just not seeing the success we would like to.
so the noche mexicana was sweet. there was alot of food but the member ladys were kind of shisty (?) we kind of had to beg for the food to be free (which was expected). so that kind of sucked. so the kids brought out the foam cans and elder loser sprayed it right in my ear. i tried to catch him but i was too full to run so i gave up. so we ate tacos durados (rolled tacos), tomales, gelitina (jello) and tacos. it was good overall.
so the temple is going to get rededicated on the 16th of november. we are going to help out with the open house the 20th and 22nd of oct but we have no clue what we are going to do yet. but it should be cool.
today we plaed futbol at the church. it was way fun we played for 4 hours. it was crazy tireing. we played the mexicans vs. the gringos. we played for tacos. and gess what we won. we played two out of three and we one the first two games. and the tacos were even more delicious because they were free.
thanks for your support and the sports updates keep it up. love ya
amor y dedos
elder skaggs
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