que onda?
this week we had transfers. on tuesday i recived elder solis. he is pretty cool. he doesnt talk much but he isnt likie a mute person. he ways like 100 pounds more than me and we both eat allot. he is from ciudad juarez, chihuhua. which is pretty close to the boarder of texas. he is really nice. ive had to really step up this week in the lessons. i do most of the talking now which is really good and should help me to pregress really fast at spanish and gain more confidence.
this week was a little hard as far as the work goes. we had alot of lessons set up. but almost all of them fell through. the people that were supposed to come to church all couldnt. we were supposed to marry this coupple this friday so that se could get baptized on sunday but they had problems with their papers so we coudnt go. this week will be better for sure. but the good thing is that my comp is cool and he is not dead. we are working hard and it will pay off soon.
but we did have some success this week. we had a baptism. a gut names jose luis. he was a refrence from a member lady in our ward. a member baptized him. they have been good friends since he started coming to church. he is really cool. he is alot like armando who just got baptized. he is the only convert of his family. but he really wants his family to be able to join the church too. that is a good sighn that the people are really converted when they love and know that the gosple is true they will want for the people that they love to know that too.
yesterday when we walked through the tiangie (street market) i found two gems. i found a sweet rudolph tie that will be absolutly perfect fro christmas time. and i also found a retro angels jersy that a guy was selling for 80 pesos or 8 dollers. i didnt have that much cash at the time so im going to but it next sat. ill send some pics and hopefully i can find it again.
today we realaxed all day. it was really nice to sleep in and recharge my batreries. this week we need to work really hard and get allot of people to come to church and find allot of new investigators. i know that if we keep working hard and dont give up the Lord will bless us with the success that we deserve. thanks for the emails and keep in touch. les amo muchisimo.
elder skaggs
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