whats up? this week was better. we actually had people at church. we only had two but thats better than 0. they are a coupple that we have to marry before they can get baptized. they are cool and have a crazy kid named logan. he likes us allot. so this week our numbers were really low. but i put my comp to work on sat and we got lessons set up for all day tuesday and wednesday. it was hard this week because we were at the temple 2 days of the week. but this week should be a little more relaxed and we can have allot of success if we work hard.
so wed we whent to the temple again. it was really good. i actually got to follow 3 groups as they did the tour. i felt the spirit really strong there in the temple. i got a surprize when i showed up to the temple. my comp from the MTC Elder Glenn was there. he is way chill and we decided to go on divisions with each other. and guess what we did? we whent to the same stop light that i was at on monday to invite people to come to the temple when they stopped. we contacted 125 cars each. it was really fun. we were running to try to get more cars than the other. it was really cool. i jumped on some more busses. it was a really cool day at the temple.
so today we went to play futbol rapido again. it was fun. i totally juked this mexi. my DL. it was way funny. then we came home and changed houses. the member that we live with, her daughter is coming home from the mission soon so they want to do construction on the room so we had to move. our new house is pretty chill. we have a citchen. so thats cool.
not much else to report. love you guys and keep up the good work.
amor y dedos,
elder skaggs

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