Hey fam y friends,
So this week was alright. We did some cool and different things. We still havnt found any success with investigators but we are seeing progress in the branch that is on the verge of being a ward. We have some hope this week from a activity that we had this sat.
This week we had conference with the new president, President Chavez. He is pretty cool. He is from casas grandes Chiuhuahua. He speaks inglish pretty well but we talked in Spanish in my interview. He ahs some new and interesting ideas but some are kinda weird. Like leaving the planner open after planning in the night so the angles can know where we are going to go. Hehe. But he is a cool guy and his family seems nice.
So we did some cool stuff this week so that we wouldn’t get board and die. So on Friday we climbed up this mountain that is on the side of our area to see if there were any houses up there. So we hiked like an hour up this crazy mountain and didn’t find any houses. But we took some really cool pics and decided that every Friday when we plan for the week we will hike up to be alone and recive more revelation. Hehehe. It was cool.
Also this week we had an activity with the primary kids. We tought them how to do missionary work and we went out to knock doors for an hour. It was way fun and the people actually listend to the little kids. We got 7 references from the other groups of kids and the kids that we went with we put 5 lessons for this coming week. Now we have some hope here in our area. It would be awesome if we even had one person that gets converted from this activity. Keep us in your preyers.
Love ya guys a lot keep on keepen on. Jesus is the Christ he loves us and will help us through our trials.
Elder Skggas