Monday, March 2, 2009

Dog bite and baptism

March 2, 2009

so this week was much better. we wernt really having success together cuz we had some conflicts and some lack of respect on my comps side. but this week i threw down in weekly plannign and we got all of our problems out ofthe way. and the lord helped us out and we had some success. we had a family of 4 at church for the first time,. they are way cool. we have a lot of possible baptisms for the last two weeks of the change. we will see how that goes.

so this week i got attacked by a little dog. but it was really weird. i walked past it and i thought that it was going to bite me right there but no. it waited until i got a ways past it and it ran at full speed and did a drive by attack. it wasnt really efficaint but ill give him credit for trying. i felt his head crash into me more than the bite. it was pretty funny.

so this week we were supposed to have a ward activity. we were goig to ahve a open house. we told all of the members that they should bring thier friends and we would talk to them and show them the church. so we get there and there are 4 members there and no friends or investigatiors. no one else showed up so we left without doing the activity. lame huh? this ward is really weak right now and no onwe goes to activities. so the assistance on sunday was 71. thats way low cuz about 2 years a go the ward was going to split cuz there were so many.

so mexico always has really bad smells, always- . but i figured out where most of them come from. no not the old ladys that fart without knowing it. they come from the sewer drains. evry time i walk past one i smell the worst smell i have ever smelt in my life. it smells terrible. but i have actually gotten used to it and its kind of a normal and familiar smell now.

so yesterday i was baptized in the catholic church in the street. that might sound weird, cuz it is. we were walking along the street last night. and this crazy druggy lady asked us if we had free little bibles. then she said that we were mormans and asked us to return catholics. i asked her straight up "why?" and this was her response "just do me the favor" she didnt have a reason. just because. then she said that she was going to baptize us right then. she put her hand on our head and said " i baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost" i was supper surprized that she actually knew the correct words. at least she did one thing right in her completly apostate "baptism". i felt really weird after and said that she should read the pampflet we gave her. then we went home.

so i hope this week was as exciting and weird as it was for me. love ya lots. keep in touch. amor y dedos

elder skaggs

mom- i have a shower and i have to take a bus (micro) 30 mins to get to the Tasquña metro station