Tuesday, February 24, 2009

One Year!

Feb. 23, 2009

hey fools? news flash. PLEASE send your emails to elderskaggs@myldsmail.net i can only use that from march on. THANKS
well this week went by better. we had one person come to church which is better than none. she is this sweet lady who will get baptized in march. she is way cool but fights with her son who has some mental problems. but she is really ready and really willing. she has alot of friends in the ward so that helps out alot.
so this week i completed a year in the mission. what the? that is crazy. the time has gone by sooooo fast. the mission is awesome. you have alot of up times and alot of down times. but the up times are much more up than the down times are down. i have no clue if i just made sense. its hard to think in englich and make things make sense.
so this week we helped 2 diffrent people move. yup. and today we are going back to help one ofthe families again. i am soo exausted. but they are cool and are willing to listen to us. we will se if they progress. i hope so. but the bad thing about mexico is that they dont use moving trucks if it is realitivly close. so we have moved a whole house full of stuff like a block and a half carrying all of it. and its hot!!!!!! but they ahve a icecream shop and they give us free stuff. so its worth it. me and my comp think that we should be professional movers. and charge people. hehehe jk.
well this week it rained. weird, the rainy season isnt suposed to come for another month. but we got wet. but thats fine.
so today we played futbol again. it was fun. i scored a coupple times. not alot but i had some good goals. its fun plying indoor. smeadly was there he is in my district.
dad, alli, and uncle bruce - HAPPY B-DAY!!!! love ya guys. hope all goes well in your big day
thanks for the emails love ya lots. EMAIL ME AT MYLDSMAIL NEXT TIME
elder skaggs


Feb 16th, 2009

sup fools.
so this week i got to my new area. im in Culhuacan. its really close to my last area they almost touch. weird huh. but the thing is that i wont see anyone from there cuz we go to diffrent church buildings and its in a a diffrent steak. so i got here to my new area and we had absolutly nothing as far as investigatrors. so we basically had to start from scratch. lame. we could have done better but we will get the hang of it.
so my comp is another newbie. he olnly has 3 months in the mission. its kind of lame i have to break all of the bad habbits that his first comp got him into.. like not contacting. and hanging with members. but thats fine. someones got to do it. but overall he is a pretty cool kid. like all mexicans he is short. but he has an amazingly low voice. he is from TJ. yup like 30 mins from my house. so if all goes well with him and we become friends we can hang after the mish.
so here in mexi town you can see some pretty weird things on the metro (trolley) but this week i think i can top all of the weird things that i have seen. so we are on the metro and some reaslly skinny druggy guys get on with a sweatshirt in a ball. so one of them dropps the swaetshirt on the floor in the middle and opens it up. inside the sweatshirt is a bunch of broken bottles. so i thought that they were going to walk on it. but no. mexis take it to the next level for some money. so one of the two buddies starts saying that they live on the street and dont have money so they have come on the metro to beat up their boddies for money. while his buddie is giving the speach the other guy starts to slam his back on the glass peices. and its real blood on his back and evrything. he slams his back and the back of his shoulder on the glass untill his buddie finishes the speech. then they switch. the back slammer starts to ask for money while his buddie starts to slam his forhead in the glass. yup. his forehead. it was crazy. some lady couldent even watch. i wanted to give them money but i only had a 10 peso coin which is like a dollar. and i cant afford to give that away. i havce seen that twice in the last week. with diffrent people. crazy huh?
- gabe, dad, Aunt Merris thanks for the packages.
well i hope you havea good week. i sure will. love ya lots. bye
amor y dedos,
elder skaggs

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

corbata por 5 pesos

so this week was good. we had people at church and had fun working. well some cool thigs happend this week. so here we go.
niƱos dios: i dont know if this is just a mexico thing or a world wide cathlic thing. but here the people have a baby jesus statue that they dress up evry febuary. they dress them in all kinds of special outfits. then on the 2nd of febuary they take the ¨"baby God" in their basket to the mass in the night. and they present the little baby to the virgen. it kind of freaked me out seeing hundreds of people walking to the church with little fake baby jesus in their baskets. i saw one guy standing outside of a church with the baby raised over his head like in the lion king when they present Simba to the whole pride. its pretty funny how people just dont understand that in the 10 commandments it says to not worship images. like a lot of people say here " evryone has their way to do things"
bici: so i havnt told you this before but in my area i have seen this same guy riding his bike arround for a while. not real surprizing no? but the intresting thing is that he has one leg. yup. one leg. he is missing the whole other one from the hip down. not a lie. and he gets around pretty good. i was pretty impressed and still am. i have yet to see that in the states. props to that old fool.
corbata por 5 pesos: so this isnt too rare here in mexico. but its still pretty good. so this week i found two amazingly great deals on ties. one tie i found on the street. some guy put oout his stuff on the ground and i saw this sick blue and orange tie. its an ING tie. so i bought it. 10 pesos. less than a dollar! i was pretty stoked. so i wore it to church and thhis member told me that he has been loking for that tie for years cuz it costs 400 pesos in ING. that made me even more happy.
so i also found a sweet blue tie that i absolutly love also on the street for 5 pesos. about 40 cents. im pretty sure i will never buy ties ever again in the states. ill just come to mexico to but all my ties.
los cambios: so last night we called to find out a bout changes. and i knew it was coming. im getting changed. Im going to the Zone Culuacan. but the zone leaders didnt ask well enough and i dont know what ward im going to. i guess i will just ask my new companion whats up? so i was kind of ready to leave this area. i have been here since august. 6 months. i kind of got board of the area. it would have been cool to be with my kid another change so i could teach him more but what are you gonna do.
court: whats up? are you too cool to write me now that you are going to go to BYUH? love ya. write me.
lifes a garden dig it. im sure diggin it. love ya lots keep in touch.
elder skaggs

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2 Mistakes

February 2, 2009

hey evryone.
how are thisngs going? good? i hope so. evrything is cool here in mexico. this week some weird stuff went on and we made two big mistakes. well not really big but stupid.
first mistake we made was we decided to cut eachothers hair. without having any experiance at all. but we thought wioth the machinie we could cut it easy. well the macine actually didnt work so we decided to cut our hair with only the scizers. wow big mistake. i actually did better than i thought i would. but my comp thats another story. he was pretty confidant going into it but i ended up with a big chunk of my hair gone. but now it doesnt look too bad. i think we wont try that ever again.
the other mistake that we made this week. we decided to move rooms to the second level cuz it has a bathroom inside and whjere we were its outside. so we moved all our stuff up to the second level of the house we get setttled in and go to sleep. when we wake up in the morning we found yellow infested water seeping out of the wall of the bathroom. oooops. it smelled like a dead person had been living in our wall for 3 months. so we decided to move back down to where we were. you know for healths sake. lets just say i got my fare share of excercize those two days.
so this week was good. we had 4 new people come to church. but the lame thing is that the other people that we have been working with and have come to church once didnt come. that was a bummer. but we will see haw this week goes.
so this week president doxey really scared me. so we had confrence and interviews. the interview went good but a little too good. Prez Doxey told me that he has alot of confidence in me and that im one of the kind of missionarys that he wants here in the mission. with transfers in a weeek that has made me think allot and im kind of scared that he will make me a leader. thats fine if the Lord wants it he knows i can do it. but i would love to stay with my kid and do work here in Iztapalapa.
today we played soccer in a local indoor feild. today is a holiday or something and no one had to go to work. so there was alot of people plying. we played retas or whoever wins stays on the feild. and there was some amazing players. i played goallie. i have gotten alot better at goaliie. i dont have the ball handling skills to play in the feild so i play goalie or defence. its way fun and im pretty good at defence.
i hope you are all doing good and that you have a good week. keep in touch. i cant write individually so ill try to answer your questions in my big email. love ya
elder skaggs