this week had its ups and downs. so ill let you know how it went day by day. sale
tuesday i completed 11 months in the mission. the member that we ate with threw me a party. kind of. we just ate and had a cake. it was pretty good. they smashed my face in the cake. i knew it was coming but it was fun and tasted good.
wed. we had a mission confrence. yup the whole mission 180 missionaries. we had the area president Elder Mickleson come. it was really cool and i learned alot about the atonement. it was a really good experiance and was fun to see all of my buddies from my gen and other fools i met here.
thursday. the BIG day. my b day. i woke up and opend my package. then i made myself french toast. it was cool. then we left to go work. we worked reall hard and tought abubnch of lessons until after the food. then we just went to the house and relaxed all night. just kidding. after the food we passed by for some investigators and went to the church where we had a baptism. it was cool. i got to baptize on my birthday. that was one of the things i wanted to do on my mission. cool huh?
friday. we worked all day until the night wen we went to the church for a activity. the members were suposed to bring their friend and family who arnt members. so we get there and there is no one. about 15 people showed up and no one brought their friends. all of the investigators that we invited bailed. lame.
sat we worked all day.
sunday we went to church. we had invited allot of people that said yea ill go. but only one came. that was a bummer. but the baptism (claudia) got confirmed. so that was good.
today we played soccer in the morning. that was fun
i hope you all are doiung good. love ya keep in touch,
elder skaggs