this weeek was a little diffrent. we actually had success. this week was good in some areas but bad in others. ill start with the bad. we were working really hard this week. and getting allot of lessons set up. but almost all of them fell through. about 95%. not kidding. so that was kind of a downer. 

good news. we had 3 baptisms this week. on wed we had one. a girl named claudia. by finding her we have started to re activate her whole family. mom, grandma, uncles. they are way cool. on sunday we had two more baptisms. Yadira y Diana. a mom and her daughter. they are way cool. Yadira´s sister and mom are members. so they have a way good support.
this weeek was much better. today we went to look for shoes but we couldnt find any good ones on sale. so i think this next monday we are going to another place to look. but i did find a sweet hoodie. its one of the hand made mexi ones. it is blue. and cost me only 90 pesos or like less than 8 dollars.
last night we had the Christmas devotional brodcasted to the stake center. i was kind of dissapointed with the show. i wanted to hear more music. i have appreciated english music more since i got here cuz the people here can not sing if their life counted on it. im being serious. the wards sound terrible. no one knows the tunes or how to hit notes. im not saying that i can sing good but i can follow a tune allright.
so this wed we get to go to the temple as a mission. that will be so cool. im looking forward to that allot. it will be interesting in spanish.
i hope you are all doing good. love ya lots and keep in touch.
elder skaggs
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