so i got my new comp this week. his name is elder morales. he is from chiapas. he is kind of weird and controlling. i guess ill have to learn to love him for who he is cuz i cant change him. so his first day here he asked me if i wanted to try some food from chiapas, i said sure. and he pulled out this jar full of little black things. little black ants. so i ate one. it sucked. i knew i would eat weierd things in mexi town but i never expected ants. he also carrys his wodden jap sword all over his mish. its kind of scary he could bash me in the head with it if he gets mad at me. he said that if he was mad he would punch me. but he says that he dosnt get mad ever. i hope not for my lifes sake. so we moved houses this week and we have a kitchen so that is cool. we also have hot water. this week was the first week that i have taken a hot shower since i got to mexitown.
so i had chicken foot soup again. the soup part wasnt bad. tortillas are the gringos lifesaver. if i have to eat anything nasty or down right terrible. i just slap that succer in a nice fresh tortilla and chow down. i think God made tortillas popular in mexico to save missionaries from the gross food.
no baptisms this week and the work has been allot harder without bentancourt. im going to have to really streach this transfer and work really hard. thanks for the love and support.
amor y dedos
elder skaggs